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Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

BPM Governance: Assessing it Through the Strategy Lens

Read how organizations are adopting business process management (BPM) tools, methods and approaches to meet their strategic goals.

BPM Governance: Assessing it Through the Strategy Lens
Aligning business process management (BPM) tools, methods and approaches to the organizational goals helps drive the contribution of deliverables to the strategic ambitions of the corporation.

The Accenture BPM report explores the extent to which organizations individualize their governance to their overall BPM objectives to drive business process improvements. Based on the findings derived from a global survey, this report presents an assessment of the current value-driven BPM governance structures and practices.

A total of 95 respondents from more than 50 organizations across financial services, retail, oil and gas production, telecommunications and manufacturing contributed to the survey. The respondents were from the United States, Chile, Brazil, Australia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and South Africa.

The respondent organizations said that they derived tangible business process improvements from their BPM initiatives. They also said the initiatives generally involved senior executives and influential process owners. However, BPM is still largely treated as a standard approach and very few respondent companies said that have started individualizing their BPM governance.

Many respondents believed that value-driven governance will ensure that BPM is well embedded within the strategic organizational context, and will help increase the overall benefit from it.

Accenture’s survey of 95 respondents, largely from Fortune 500 organizations, between December 2012 and February 2013 on their BPM practices revealed that:
- BPM efforts were mainly for achieving efficiency, compliance and quality; few cited agility and integration as motivating factors.
- The general satisfaction level with the results of BPM projects was high although a lack of leadership support was noted by a sizeable number of respondents. Respondents wanted improved governance for BPM efforts.
- The process owner has been identified as the key role for the BPM discipline. The head of the centralized BPM team at the “Center of Excellence” is the main BPM leader to drive the entire discipline and also support resulting projects.
- Only a quarter of the respondents had a Center of Excellence in place, but many said they wanted one in the future.
- Over a third of the BPM organizations report to top executives (CEO, CFO, etc.) or board level, slightly less into to the CIO, and approximately 15 percent to the COO.
- Process modeling, with good tool support, was the dominant practice among respondent BPM teams, with workflow implementation a distant second and enterprise architecture a distant third.

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Mardi 1 Octobre 2013