Vendredi 8 Avril 2011
CFO News - Le quotidien des Financiers

A “model” to induce a sustainable growth...

Economical theories invented and the model induced and practiced by the western countries during the 19 and 20th centuries has ignored that our planet is a limited space with limited resources.

Rémi Guillet
Beside questions relating to the energy required by the model, the Fukushima plant disaster reminds us that if the nuclear risk is small theoretically, the associated danger is at the planet scale... And that if the nuclear power can be used as development energy source, it’s also and before all a possible source of ruin for the whole present humanity and its future...

Indeed, a such considerable ruin, that one or two generations should not take a such risk !

Otherwise, in the context of the multi-faces crisis that the world knows early in this new century, it becomes obvious for more and more people that we can’t hope to solve this crisis only by the “development” and “growth” (with their associated energy requirements !) calling, particularly to solve problems as unemployment, or more often lack of works... While we know that the running model induces more and more iniquity between countries, between people in a same country ! While the iniquity itself increases with the said development and growth !

And people think more en more often that, in urgency, we must invent and run a new model, not focusing only on the “always more” but rather based on a better well-balanced “sharing” of the added value that the human activities can produce (sustainably)...

In this context we remind that each (private) company is a micro economy system which plays a key role on the macro economy feature. Thus, micro economy is the starting point we should consider to induce a change towards a “sustainable macro economy”.

Before all, it means at the company level,

- an appropriated rémunération of the work related to the remuneration of funds,
- a drastic energy savings.

With more details, it means, in each company, an other view of the management... to aim a well fitted sharing of the added value between workers (main consumption actors) and shareholders (or other funds owners) at the place of the usual maximum of profits or maximum of work productivity challenges, both focusing only the shareholders interests.

And, generally speaking, we observe that a fitted balance can be reached and maintained when remuneration of each kind of actors is indexed on the ones of each others (1).

In the taxes field (State resources), it means taxes at the same rate for both work and funds remunerations...

But and for two main reasons, a sustainable growth goes also through a drastic fossil energy savings (to save the stock and to limit the greenhouse gases emission). When we note that in practice the fossil fuels have no real substitutes in transport uses, it means a drastic come back towards a maximum of proximity between production and consumption locations. It means a new approach of the worldwide exchanges interests (2).

To help each of us to get a better appreciation of the actual Earth challenge and to underline the necessity of a drastic change of model, we remind that, up to now, raw materials (specially fossil energy) are exploited as they were indefinitly available (and free !) materials... While Planet is losing its natural wealth and must pay at the highest price what we do with them... A planet becoming unable to satisfy longer our needs and unable to accept the impact of our wastes (at their present time levels, without forgetting the fantastic increasing of the global population and the waited correlative growing of energy needs).
Then the main challenge for the expected new model of development is before all to induce a sustainable growth... bringing the same chance to the whole humanity...
Here is a short presentation of our contribution !
But before ending this short paper we can’t help to point out that if the above described way goes through the private management, “sustainable” means without doubt that the interest of the community is over the private ones. A manner to say that politics keeps a key role to decide and to succeed the change...

(1) The suggested “New model to induce a new growth” can be downloaded from the title “A new model of payment of the company partners” published by cfo news 01/31/11)

(2) To appreciate the sustainabilty of the growth and energy challenge we can also read the paper “Energy and economical growth : overview and global challenges” by Remi Guillet published by EEMJ (vol 9, n°10). Or use the words “L’harmattan remi guillet "Energy and economical growth : overview and global challenges” to download the paper).

For the french readers, some other titles by Rémi Guillet and related to the same topic are available on the cfo news site... As,

Un autre regard sur la RSE…
SVP : Une croissance « partagée »… Sinon rien !
Prix cassés, low cost... Danger !
Energie et croissance : une brève synthèse !
Plaidoyer pour une autre croissance...
Ne pas confondre valeur ajoutée et profits !
Un modèle de rémunération solidaire et équitable comme alternative à la faillite de l’entreprise…
A propos de crédit et de croissance…
A propos de la rémunération des dirigeants : une proposition équitable…
Pour une nouvelle gouvernance d’entreprise fondée sur le resserrement des liens entre actionnaires et salariés…

Rémi Guillet, expert-partenaire CFO-news


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