Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Le fonds de recherche SAP va participer à la construction de villes intelligentes en Chine

Dans le cadre de son programme SAP sur les questions urbaines (SAP Urban Matters), destiné à promouvoir le développement durable et à répondre aux défis de l’urbanisation, SAP AG (NYSE: SAP) annonce son intention de collaborer avec le Département d’Ingénierie de l’Université de Pékin (PKU ou Peking University) afin de développer des applications permettant de créer des villes connectées. SAP annonce également son intention de faire un don important à ce Département.

La taille du marché chinois pour les solutions dédiées aux villes intelligentes est estimée à plus de 500 milliards de Yuan (environ 61 milliards d’Euro) d’ici à 2025. La Chine a rendu public son programme de développement de villes intelligentes en dévoilant récemment des plans pour plus de 200 villes et autres districts intelligents.

Cette annonce a été faite à l’occasion de Sapphire Chine, qui s’est tenu les 20 et 21 novembre 2013 à Beijing.


SAP Funds Research to Build Smart Cities in China

As part of the SAP® Urban Matters program, which promotes sustainability and tackles urban challenges, SAP AG (NYSE: SAP) today announced that it intends to collaborate with the College of Engineering at Peking University (PKU) on the design of applications to create connected cities. SAP also intends to make a large monetary donation to the College of Engineering. The announcement was made at China SAPPHIRE, being held November 20-21 in Beijing.

“The world around us is being radically reshaped by software and great technologies that are helping improve and amplify people’s lives and abilities,” said Dr. Vishal Sikka, member of the Executive Board of SAP AG, Products & Innovation. “Through the collaboration with the College of Engineering at Peking University, we see great opportunities to help transform cities into intelligent, adaptive living environments that help dramatically simplify and improve our lives, our abilities to conduct business and to achieve our goals.”

The size of China’s market for smart city solutions is estimated to grow to more than 500 billion Yuan by 2025. China has publicized its smart city program by recently unveiling development plans for more than 200 smart cities, districts and towns. Furthermore, China Development Bank has been commissioned to assist the Chinese government’s smart city development programs and announced it will invest more than 80 billion Yuan by 2015 to finance smart city projects. The projects will use advanced technologies at all stages of the building and infrastructure of smart cities — from the electric grid and water infrastructure to transportation systems, environmental protection and healthcare.

Working with the College of Engineering at PKU and its world-renowned research faculty of experts in infrastructure and urban development, SAP plans to launch pilot projects beginning in 2014 in multi-tier cities to develop smart city solutions that help create more livable and environmentally friendly urban developments.

A propos de SAP
Leader des applications d’entreprise, SAP (NYSE : SAP) fournit aux entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs les moyens logiciels d’une meilleure gestion. Du back office à la direction, de l’entrepôt à la vente, quel que soit le terminal d’utilisation (ordinateur, terminal mobile), les applications SAP permettent aux collaborateurs et aux organisations de travailler plus efficacement ensemble et de s’appuyer sur des tableaux de bord personnalisés afin de conserver leur avance dans un contexte concurrentiel.
Les applications et services SAP offrent à plus de 251 000 clients la possibilité d’être rentables, de s’adapter continuellement et de croître durablement.
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Jeudi 28 Novembre 2013