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Vendredi 14 Mars 2014
Finyear, the Financial Year

Keep More in 2014! Re-think employee engagement

For years we have been listening to the value of engaging employees, yet we are we applying what we’ve heard? My travels have suggested we have yet to integrate any learning on the subject. I want to simplify the process of engagement as it is something that virtually anyone in any role can build create.

Shawn Casemore
Shawn Casemore
Regardless of the size or complexity of your business or division, take some time each and every week to walk through the ranks and speak to your employees. I’m not suggesting you say “hello” but actually engage in a meaningful conversation. Start the discussion by mentioning personal stories or anecdotes that you recall from previous discussions such as “How’s your son doing in hockey?”

With this initial point of contact and discussion underway, rather than transitioning abruptly to a question, outline a challenge or problem that you have experienced and ask the employee for their opinion, for example “How are we doing in meeting customer XYZ’s shipping requirements?” By asking non-directive questions we allow employees the opportunity to provide background and information that we might not have considered.

With conversations underway it is time to decide how to transition to action. Consider the next logical steps to take and engage the employee in the actions. For example if a broader discussion around the issue involving others is necessary, ask the employee if they can organize it.

You can see how engagement begins with a personal connection and involves the employee in the discussion and solution, rather than prescribing actions without discussion.

Stay tuned for my next post in which I will outline the framework for employee engagement that you can apply to your everyday employee interactions.

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